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31 DECEMBER 2024 : “Dreams are forever.”
Music & Visuals by Pablo’s Eye.
Music & Visuals by Pablo’s Eye.
16 DECEMBER 2024: "FURDA with PABLO’S EYE". Tune in today Monday 16/12 to noodsradio.com/ from 23:00 - 00:00 GMT to catch our latest guest mix for Furda. Thank you Hermeneia.
The show is archived up on Soundcloud:
Visuals by Pablo’s Eye. Music ‘Today’ from the album “Bardo for Pablo” released on STROOM 〰 in 2018.
The show is archived up on Soundcloud:
Visuals by Pablo’s Eye. Music ‘Today’ from the album “Bardo for Pablo” released on STROOM 〰 in 2018.
SEPEMBER 2024: "The light was sharp, our eyes were open" our latest release on STROOM 〰 @ https://stroomtv.bandcamp.com/album/the-light-was-sharp-our-eyes-were-open
Visuals by Pablo's Eye.
Featuring tracks: Track A7 ‘The dog days are long gone’ - Track A3 ‘Red light returning’ - Track A6 ‘Nadar’ - Track A5 ‘The mirror’ - Track B1 ‘The girls from Peoria’ - Track A3 ‘Red light returning’ - Track A2 ‘Stories are what they are’
Visuals by Pablo's Eye.
Featuring tracks: Track A7 ‘The dog days are long gone’ - Track A3 ‘Red light returning’ - Track A6 ‘Nadar’ - Track A5 ‘The mirror’ - Track B1 ‘The girls from Peoria’ - Track A3 ‘Red light returning’ - Track A2 ‘Stories are what they are’
6 SEPTEMBER 2024: Thank you Tough Love records and Astrel_k for giving us the opportunity to deconstruct and then rebuild ‘By Depol’ one of your beautiful songs released on your album “The Foreign Department”. Glad to be part of the adventure!
You can listen to ‘By Depol’ (Pablo’s Eye deconstruction) here
You can listen to ‘By Depol’ (Pablo’s Eye deconstruction) here
AUGUST 2024: Thank you Christopher Laws @ culturedarm for the review of our latest album "The light was sharp, our eyes were open" on STROOM 〰 @ https://stroomtv.bandcamp.com/album/the-light-was-sharp-our-eyes-were-open
15 JUNE 2024: Thank you Juno Records for the review of our new album "The light was sharp, our eyes were open" on STROOM 〰 @ https://stroomtv.bandcamp.com/album/the-light-was-sharp-our-eyes-were-open
13 JUNE 2024: Thank you IB @ Electonic Sound for the review of our new album "The light was sharp, our eyes were open" on STROOM 〰
06 JUNE 2024: Thank you BOOMKAT for the review of our new album "The light was sharp, our eyes were open" on STROOM 〰 . You can read full review >> here
01 JUNE 2024: Thank you Audiopile for the review of our new album "The light was sharp, our eyes were open" on STROOM 〰 .
13 MAY 2024: Thank you Antonio Poscic @thewiremagazine for the review of our new album "The light was sharp, our eyes were open" on STROOM 〰 in The Wire Issue 484 June 2024.
02 APRIL 2024: "The light was sharp, our eyes were open" we are very excited and happy to announce we are back with a new album on STROOM 〰. Release date 04 June 2024. https://stroomtv.bandcamp.com/album/the-light-was-sharp-our-eyes-were-open
22 JANUARY 2024: Great to be mentioned in the new edition of Electronic Sound magazine in their feature on ambient music.
28 FEBRUARY 2023: Very happy to be part of the project : 'I am not always where my body is’ a short film by Jordan Robson & Claire Arnold.
—> Screening 🎬: Tuesday 28 February, from 7pm to 10pm at 3537, 35-37 rue des Francs-Bourgeois 75004 Paris / Basement -1 - Free entry.
—> Screening 🎬: Tuesday 28 February, from 7pm to 10pm at 3537, 35-37 rue des Francs-Bourgeois 75004 Paris / Basement -1 - Free entry.
16 MARCH 2022: Thank you Mark ROLAND @ ELECTRONIC SOUND for the great review of our brand new album "A mountain is an idea" out now on The Florist's Mum. You can listen to the album on all streaming platforms.
11 MARCH 2022: "A mountain is an idea" our new album on the London based label The Florist's Mum shipping out now! Thank you Sam & Ziad @ The Florist's Mum.
MARCH 2022: Thank you Maxime Vandenplas @ RTBF.be /JAM for the interview 'Pablo's Eye continue à surprendre après 30 ans d'existence avec "A mountain is an idea'
You can read full intreview here
You can read full intreview here
04 MARCH 2022: CLYDE BUILT RADIO W/ PABLO’S EYE tune in 04/03 to clydebuiltradio.com from 14:00 to 15:00 GMT to catch our latest guest mix. Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏽 all at Clyde Built Radio.
The show is archived up on Soundcloud:
⏩ https://soundcloud.com/clydebuiltradio/the-florists-mum-w-pablos-eye-4322?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
The show is archived up on Soundcloud:
⏩ https://soundcloud.com/clydebuiltradio/the-florists-mum-w-pablos-eye-4322?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
21 JANUARY 2022: Excited to announce we're back with a new album "A mountain is an idea" on the London based label The Florist's Mum. Stay tuned for the album release mid-March! Thank you Sam & Ziad @ The Florist's Mum.
31 DECEMBER 2021: Best wishes!
01 June 2021: "LA NON-DANSANTE with Pablo's Eye". Tune in today 01/06 to STATIONSTATION.FR from 21:00-22:00 CET to catch our latest guest mix. Merci, Thank you Sorok Pervyï (Indira & Antoine).
The show is archived up on MixCloud:
⏩ https://m.mixcloud.com/Station_Station_radio/la-non-dansate-10-with-pablos-eye/
The show is archived up on MixCloud:
⏩ https://m.mixcloud.com/Station_Station_radio/la-non-dansate-10-with-pablos-eye/
14 MARCH 2021: Thank you OBJECTS & SOUNDS for this wonderful interview which brings the Pablo's Eye story right up to date.
You can read the interview here: >> https://www.objectsandsounds.com/reliving-a-long-lost-youth-with-pablos-eye/
You can read the interview here: >> https://www.objectsandsounds.com/reliving-a-long-lost-youth-with-pablos-eye/
19 FEBRUARY 2021: «OUTSIDERS» W/ STROOM and PABLO’S EYE tune in to KIOSK.RADIO on Friday 19/02 from 10:00-11:00 CET. Pablo’s Eye have kindly provided a 60-minute original piece called «THE MIRROR».
The show is archived up on >>
The show is archived up on >>
«THE MIRROR» is a musical journey based on an endless loop with an ever-different & slightly changing feel all the way through, creating a feeling of travelling in time and space. To feed the loop Pablo’s Eye took an extract from their track «Tentative d’épuisement d’un lieu parisien» released on Longform Editions in 2020. Deep listening music, immersive & environmental aiming to deeper awareness of everything that surrounds you.
Thank you Ziggy Devriendt, STROOM & all at KIOSK.RADIO.
Thank you Ziggy Devriendt, STROOM & all at KIOSK.RADIO.
09 FEBRUARY 2021: Happy to announce shipping of Berlin Atonal: More Light 3/5 compilation featuring our track “A way you’ll never be”.
Thank you all @ Berlin Atonal 🙏🏼🙏🏽 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Thank you all @ Berlin Atonal 🙏🏼🙏🏽 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
01 FEBRUARY 2021: Thank you Mark ROLAND for the very nice mention in the latest issue of ELECTRONIC SOUND of our most recent track “A way you’ll never be” appearing on BERLIN ATONAL : MORE LIGHT Compilation.
You can read full review here
You can read full review here
24 JANUARY 2021: «SELECTIVE LISTENING» with PABLO’S EYE. Tune in today 24/01 to NOODS Radio from 18:00-19:00 GMT to catch our latest guest mix.
Thank you Jake Easby-Keating @selective.listening
The show will be archived up on >> https://noodsradio.com/shows/selective-listening-w-pablo-s-eye-24th-january-21
Thank you Jake Easby-Keating @selective.listening
The show will be archived up on >> https://noodsradio.com/shows/selective-listening-w-pablo-s-eye-24th-january-21
31 DECEMBER 2020: Best wishes!
07 DECEMBER 2020: You can listen back to « KINDRED SOUND W/ PABLO'S EYE ». The show is featuring a guest mix and interview with Pablo's Eye reflecting on the last 30 years of making music. EH-FM >> https://www.mixcloud.com/ehfm/kindred-sound-w-pablos-eye-271120/
07 DECEMBER 2020: « STAY AWAKE! with PABLO'S EYE: Obscure Records Special » / NOODS Radio is now archived up on >> https://www.mixcloud.com/NoodsRadio/stay-awake-w-pablos-eye-6th-december-20/
06 DECEMBER 2020: « STAY AWAKE! with PABLO'S EYE » tune in to NOODS Radio tonight 06/12 from 22:00 to 23:00 GMT. This episode has been assembled by Pablo’s Eye and features a selection of music released on Brian Eno’s label OBSCURE from 1975 to 1978. Thank you Daniel Breuer.
27 NOVEMBER 2020: Join us today from 14:00 to 16:00 GMP on Edinburgh based station EHFM for the latest episode of KINDRED SOUND with a Pablo's Eye in focus show, featuring an interview with P.E. and Pablo's Eye's selected playlist of a few tracks by artists that have influenced the sound of Pablo's Eye. Thank you Adam & Scott Taylor-Moore's for exploring the sound of Pablo's Eye.
27 OCTOBER 2020: Very happy to be part of “Berlin Atonal: More Light Boxset” on Berlin Atonal Recordings 2020 with a new track 'A way you’ll never be'.
“Enchanted Belgian magicians Pablo’s Eye offer a new track that grows out of the melancholic ambient-pop that the collective has been making since the 90s"
“Enchanted Belgian magicians Pablo’s Eye offer a new track that grows out of the melancholic ambient-pop that the collective has been making since the 90s"
Berlin Atonal, the festival has compiled a major selection of new works by a range of artists from across the advanced musical landscape. Entitled MORE LIGHT the compilation traverses the vast spectrum of musical energy which the festival radiates, from 19 different projects representing 14 nationalities and over 30 years of musical experience. The compilation is released over 5 x 12-inches available to pre-order (with immediate digital downloads), as well as a complete box set packed in an exclusive slipcase.
29 APRIL 2020: "UN" the show Pablo's Eye curated for « WHO’S THAT GIRL » on NTS 1 is now archived up on: https://www.nts.live/shows/whos-that-girl/episodes/who-s-that-girl-w-leyla-pillai-27th-april-2020
27 APRIL 2020: Join us this evening from 17:00 to 18:00 (BST) on NTS 1 radio: PABLO’S EYE for « WHO’S THAT GIRL » - "UN". Pablo’s Eye curated this episode in shared resonance with Leyla Pillai.
▶️ UN. This show travels between time and space with George Gurdjieff in mind. Gurdjieff was a mystic, philosopher, spiritual teacher and composer. His method for awakening one's consciousness was referred to as the "Fourth Way".
“It is impossible to achieve the aim without suffering” J.G. Bennett
“It is impossible to achieve the aim without suffering” J.G. Bennett
06 APRIL 2020: Pablo's Eye's guest-mix for NOSTALGIA DEL FUTURO / Episode 04 (Mondonero / Milano) is now available on SoundCloud on Nostalgia Del Futuro Playlist >> https://soundcloud.com/iambigote/sets/nostalgia-del-futuro.
02 APRIL 2020: Join us today 02.04.20 on WWW.MONDONERO.ORG from 11:00am to 12:00pm CET. Pablo’s Eye are curating the 4th Episode of NOSTALGIA DEL FUTURO - Luca Bigote’s monthly show on Mondonero Radio in Milan.
The show will be archived up on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/iambigote/sets/nostalgia-del-futuro.
The show will be archived up on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/iambigote/sets/nostalgia-del-futuro.
30 MARCH 2020: Tune in and enjoy today 30.03.20 on NTS 1: "PABLO'S EYE FOR WHO'S THAT GIRL? radio show from 17:00 to 18:00 (BST). Pablo’s Eye are curating this episode in shared resonance with Leyla Pillai. ⠀⠀⠀
▶️ OBLIQUE STRATEGIES ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
5 cards were pulled out with an innocent hand from an Oblique Strategies set of cards by Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt: GARDENING, NOT ARCHITECTURE - WOULD ANYBODY WANT IT? - USE FILTERS - ACCRETION - THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS THE THING MOST EASILY FORGOTTEN
The show is archived up on: https://www.mixcloud.com/NTSRadio/whos-that-girl-30th-march-2020/
5 cards were pulled out with an innocent hand from an Oblique Strategies set of cards by Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt: GARDENING, NOT ARCHITECTURE - WOULD ANYBODY WANT IT? - USE FILTERS - ACCRETION - THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS THE THING MOST EASILY FORGOTTEN
The show is archived up on: https://www.mixcloud.com/NTSRadio/whos-that-girl-30th-march-2020/
14 FEBRUARY 2020: Trailer 'Tentative d'épuisement d'un lieu parisien'. Visuals by Johan Coopman.
We've been approached by Longform Editions Australia to release a track on their deep listening music digital platform and can now share this brand new 20-minute piece with title and text from Richard Skinner’s essay about the French writer Georges Perec.
In October 1974, the French writer Georges Perec spent three days at Le Café de la Mairie in Place Saint-Sulpice, Paris, recording everything that passed through his field of vision. A wonderful exercise in observation and description. We’ve tried to relive sonically with Georges Perec in mind our drifting away at the Place Saint-Sulpice in Paris, a special place in our heart.
For this project Pablo's Eye are: Axel Libeert, Luc Laret, Marie Mandi, Johan Coopman & Richard Skinner.
In October 1974, the French writer Georges Perec spent three days at Le Café de la Mairie in Place Saint-Sulpice, Paris, recording everything that passed through his field of vision. A wonderful exercise in observation and description. We’ve tried to relive sonically with Georges Perec in mind our drifting away at the Place Saint-Sulpice in Paris, a special place in our heart.
For this project Pablo's Eye are: Axel Libeert, Luc Laret, Marie Mandi, Johan Coopman & Richard Skinner.
12 FEBRUARY 2010: "Tentative d'épuisement d'un lieu parisien". Released on Longform Editions on 12th February 2020.
Describing themselves as not a band but a 'temporary atmosphere', Belgian collective Pablo's Eye have shapeshifted their sound for three decades through ambient, techno, dub and tribal flourish without ever being definitively anything except mesmerising. Their fluid nature proves perfect on their piece for Longform Editions: Tentative d'épuisement d'un lieu parisien similarly weaves through the symbols and slogans of daily life to craft a listening experience circling urban observation.
Pablo's Eye have configured the trance of our day in sound, inspired by French writer Georges Perec and his work to create an inventory of the 'infraordinary'.
In October 1974, the French writer Georges Perec spent three days at Le Café de la Mairie in Place Saint-Sulpice, Paris, recording everything that passed through his field of vision. A wonderful exercise in observation and description.
Pablo's Eye have configured the trance of our day in sound, inspired by French writer Georges Perec and his work to create an inventory of the 'infraordinary'.
In October 1974, the French writer Georges Perec spent three days at Le Café de la Mairie in Place Saint-Sulpice, Paris, recording everything that passed through his field of vision. A wonderful exercise in observation and description.
06 JANUARY 2020: Tune in & enjoy today on NTS 1: "PABLO'S EYE FOR WHO'S THAT GIRL?" radio show from 17:00 to 18:00 (London time). Pablo's Eye are curating January's episode in shared resonance with Leyla Pillai. Thank you so much Leyla for this beautiful conversation. ⠀
The show will be archived up on: https://www.nts.live/shows/whos-that-girl/episodes/who-s-that-girl-6th-january-2020
The show will be archived up on: https://www.nts.live/shows/whos-that-girl/episodes/who-s-that-girl-6th-january-2020
01 JANUARY 2020: Season's greetings.
29 DECEMBER 2019: Such a sad news. Our beloved friend the designer Vaughan Oliver has passed away. Working together with Chris Bigg & Tim Vary for the project Realismo was an amazing adventure. RIP Vaughan.
04 DECEMBER 2019: SOUNDS UNSAID with Pablo’s Eye. Tune in & enjoy tonight from 9:00pm to 10:00pm CET on dublab.de. From time to time Laura Not invites her guests for an hour of “Sounds Unsaid”, where music is the secret language of an unspoken conversation. Expect what’s left unexpressed! Pablo's Eye will host December's episode. NOW also on Mixcloud.
31 AUGUST 2019: Pablo's Eye @ Berlin Atonal on Saturday, August 31st - 22:00 (10:00pm) - Main Stage. Location: Kraftwerk Berlin.
05 AUGUST 2019: Berlin Atonal 2019 press release.
29 JUNE 2019: Thank you Pj Dorsey for your support.
May - June 2019: Thank you Larsen magazine for the review.
23 MAY 2019: We are very happy to announce we will be playing @ Berlin Atonal 2019 festival, taking place from 28th August to 1st September at Kraftwerk Berlin. Really looking forward to this event!
27 APRIL 2019: We will be playing in HELSINKI, FINLAND @ KAIKU. Exciting!
FRIDAY, 19 APRIL @ 21:30
Listen! x Stroom: Sold out! Pablo's Eye are playing @ Les Brigittines - Playhouse for Movement Brussels.
Listen! x Stroom: Sold out! Pablo's Eye are playing @ Les Brigittines - Playhouse for Movement Brussels.
18 APRIL 2019: Pablo's Eye in DE TIJD.
'Comeback van een componist die van uitdagingen houdt.' Bedankt Tom Peeters.
'Comeback van een componist die van uitdagingen houdt.' Bedankt Tom Peeters.
11 APRIL 2019: 'Pablo's Eye, les yeux grands ouverts...' in LE VIF Focus. Thank you Laurent Hoebrechts for this wonderful article.
10 APRIL 2019: Pablo's Eye in BRUZZ. Thanks Tom Peeters & Barbara Oorts.
Pablo’s Eye we will be playing live in one of Brussels’ most evocative venues: the baroque chapel of Les Brigittines. Hope to see you there!
FEBRUARY 2019: ‘Stroom conclude their Pablo's Eye trilogy with the typically diverse and utterly devastating "Dark Matter".' Thank your Piccadilly Records, thank you Patrick.
you can read full review here
29 JANUARY 2019: Thank you for your nice review of ’DARK MATTER' in Boomkat.com. You can read full review here.
21 JANUARY 2019: Out today ’DARK MATTER' final part in the Pablo's Eye trilogy of selected works on STROOM 〰
16 JANUARY 2019: OBI designed by Nana Esi for Pablo's Eye's full trilogy on STROOM 〰
12 JANUARY 2019: Thank you Kevin Krein for your great review of 'DARK MATTER' in Anhedonic Headphones.
You can read full review here.
10 JANUARY 2019: Pablo's Eye in KNACK: "BRUSSELS BY NIGHT" Thanks Jonas Boel.
29 DECEMBER 2018: Season's greetings.
NOVEMBER: Release of 'VAUGHAN OLIVER: ARCHIVE (2 vols.) [Unit 38]' published by Unit Editions (London). Both volumes offer a celebration of the Vaughan Oliver archive, a treasure house of graphic delights. Pablo's Eye are proud to be part of this amazing project.
You can read full review here.
02 JULY 2018: Out today ‘BARDO FOR PABLO’ Part 2 in the Pablo's Eye trilogy on STROOM 〰
TUESDAY 8 MAY – SUNDAY 13 MAY 2018: Pablo's Eye at TATE MODERN.
You can listen to Pablo's Eye’s music at the new TATE MODERN in London as part of Tate Modern Workshop “How to build an art biennale with Winchester school of Art, University of Southampton.”
Pablo's Eye composed the music for the artist Robert E. D’Souza’s film installation and have used an interview filmed by D’Souza over a single journey recorded in one night through the streets of Delhi. The work titled “Dev” to be premiered at Tate Exchange and extends narrative threads and ideas of migration echoing D’Souza’s 2014 film “Dave”, shown at the Kochi-Muziris Biennale in India. For more information click here.
Pablo's Eye composed the music for the artist Robert E. D’Souza’s film installation and have used an interview filmed by D’Souza over a single journey recorded in one night through the streets of Delhi. The work titled “Dev” to be premiered at Tate Exchange and extends narrative threads and ideas of migration echoing D’Souza’s 2014 film “Dave”, shown at the Kochi-Muziris Biennale in India. For more information click here.
30 APRIL 2018: Great review of 'SPRING BREAK' by Daryl Worthington from the wonderful Inverted Audio.
16 APRIL 2018: ‘SPRING BREAK’ is out today.
Thank you all @ STROOM 〰
Thank you all @ STROOM 〰
27 FEBRUARY 2018: Pre-Pablo’s Eye track ‘Cada Día’ by Nightfall in Camp coming back to life on the forthcoming compilation MFM 031- Uneven Paths: Deviant Pop From Europe 1980-1991 compiled by Raphael Top-Secret & Jamie Tiller… release date: end of March!
21 FEBRUARY 2018: 'Other releases already lined up for 2018 include cult Belgian collective Pablo’s Eye' says STROOM 〰 founder Ziggy Devriendt aka Nosedrip in the Wire Issue 409 - March 2018. Pablo’s Eye are very proud to be part of Ziggy's adventures with STROOM 〰.
You can read full review by Tristan Bath here
23 DECEMBER 2017: Season's greetings.
07 DECEMBER 2017: Nightfall In Camp is an early incarnation of Pablo's Eye and 'Cada Día' the beloved track by Nightfall In Camp is coming back to life! It will feature on the forthcoming compilation: Uneven Paths: Deviant Pop From Europe 1980-1991' © 2018 on Music from Memory to be released in March 2018.
28 OCTOBER 2017: Listen now on Pablo's Eye's Soundcloud page, “A.M.” (Pièce pour violon et un avion qui passe). Dedicated to Patrick Robyn. This music was used for the opening of the fashion show Fall/Winter 2004/2005 Ann Demeulemeester @ Carreau du Temple, Paris.
OCTOBER 2017: 'Gritty and fuzzy', 'dark and icy', 'head-spinningly beautiful'. Pablo's Eye are so happy about this glowing review of 'southlite' in Electronic Sound magazine by its editor Push.
You can read full review here.
SEPTEMBER 2017: Release of 'southlite' the new CD from Pablo's Eye on Vanguard Recordings. You can read 'southlite' press release here.
To order a copy of the cd please contact:
[email protected] or [email protected]
To order a copy of the cd please contact:
[email protected] or [email protected]
18 AUGUST 2017: Listen now on Pablo's Eye's Bandcamp page, a previously unreleased track, 'Le Quattro Volte'.
24 JULY 2017: Now up on Pablo's Eye's Bandcamp page listen to 'Vassall Road' a brand new track.